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X-Art Model Sophia

Age: 22

Country: Brazil (well Texas actually)

Rating: 9/10 (1373 votes)


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This hot, spicey and stunning girl is a personal trainer and you can tell; I mean she has the body to prove it! With some Brazilian blood running in her veins, she is as wild as she looks. She is a tall girl, and with Jovan these two look like they could be doing a sports commercial (if they weren't having ultra hot sex!) Brazil, here we come. I love South America ;-) xxoo Colette

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X-Art Model Sophia

Results for X-Art Model Sophia (2)

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Sophia in Remembering Strawberry Wine

Sophia in Remembering Strawberry Win

Mar 24, 2014 |

70 Images


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Sophia in Remembering Strawberry Wine

Sophia in Remembering Strawberry Win

Mar 11, 2014 |

1920x1080 HD Video


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